Practical tools & techniques to help prioritize your needs, so you can find your best home!

Practical tools & techniques to help prioritize your needs, so you can find your best home!

Buying a home? Don’t be cheated by the market!

So you want to learn about buying a home? 

Rising interest rates? Skyrocketing inflation? Home prices getting out of reach? Things are tough for new home buyers, no question about it.

Despite the financial challenges and market gloom, some dreams are worth dreaming! If you are one of those determined folk, and want to keep the dream alive we are here to help.

Not sure where to start? Good news! You are in the right place!

Buying A Home - Wood image with keys.

Times are tougher for home buyers these days. Even for young professionals, the dream of being a home can look daunting.

While it is true, you will have many more challenges to over come than even 5 years ago. It will not be impossible. You just need more resources, tips and tools in your corner! 

Research, research, and more research than people buying a home needed previously! 

Getting creative can’t hurt either - perhaps having an in-law suite will give you that extra bit of income to help make buying a home a reality!

What makes this Site different?

All of the websites with similar information, many you likely encountered before this, are from various companies in the industry. They are all written from the perspective of a mortgage broker, bank, or real estate agent.

Nothing wrong with that of course, everyone needs to make a living. They are there to provide information to help you and them. 

Where this site is different is that it is written from the perspective of the regular home buyer. 

Just an average person who has had the opportunity to gain a lot of experience, and would like to share as much of it as possible. We don’t sell mortgages, bank loans, insurance or real estate. We try to give you the raw reality of the market, and the tips and tricks an average person would use to navigate the home buying process.

Hi, Jeff here! I am the author of!

I have been buying real estate since 1998, both as an investor and as someone who just wanted a place for his family to call home.

Over the years I have helped friends and family with their own purchases, and I would like to now share my experiences with all of you!

I hope that the information and tips will be as useful and practical for you as they ended up being for me.

We recommend you start with the Buying A Home First Steps section!  It will set the foundation for any newcomer beginning their research on buying a home! 

What you will find here...

Buying a home, especially these days, is a big commitment. It will also be hard work. 

Like everything else important in life, doing research, getting some guidance from those who have gone before, and a whole lot of ol’ fashion elbow grease, can make dreams become reality.

It only seems scary or overwhelming if you haven’t done it before. 

Here at Own The Door! We endeavour to help you find your best home a practical reality, and bring your dream of buying a home, closer to reality.

What's next then you say?

Explore the pages and we hope the information within gets you closer to your goals.

If you are new to the idea of buying a home, I would invite you to start by having a look at where you are at, both financially and personally. Before running off to look at homes, or contact a real estate agent, it would be better to do you homework and figure out what would work best for your personal situation.

Everyone is has different goals and starting points. It is better to have a realistic picture of where you stand so you can develop a practical plan forward. 

All you have to ask yourself is: "Are you ready to OWN THE DOOR?" And we can help with the rest.

First Steps

Buying a home first steps 01

To that end, start with the Buying A Home First Steps, work your way through the exercises and various pages. Map out your goals, and the key criteria which will set out your own real priorities to buying a home!

What Does It Cost?

Cost of buying a home main image

Second, have a look at the Cost of Buying A Home. This will help you compare your own financial situation with your desired home buying goals and needs. This will allow you to have some good insight in to where your criteria may need some adjustment., or perhaps the home buying goal timeline needs to be adjusted until you can get some other aspects of your life sorted out first. Reality is not a popular seller, but it is better to discover it before it discovers you!

It's A Process

Process of buying a home graphic house with family

When you are ready to move forward with buying a home, have a look at the Process of Buying a Home pages - get the overview and go through each step in more detail to map out your plan of action.

Market News

Current Real Estate Market News 01

Find out what parts of the Current Real Estate Market News you might want to pay attention to, and which statistics give buyers an indication of where we are in a market cycle. 

Quick Links - Main Sections

  1. Buying a Home First Steps - Start with asking yourself why you want to own a home and what priorities in a home are most important to you?
  2. The Process of Buying a Home - An overview on the various aspects of the steps and services typically needed when you are buying a home.
  3. The Cost of Buying a Home - if you are thinking of buying a home the first questions often is “How much?”. What is the cost of buying a home? 
  4. About Me - A quick introduction to the author of the site.